Page 3272 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 19 August 2008

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managers, will consider the implementation of conservation leases in central Molonglo and other areas of the ACT. It is, however, important to note that there is currently no allowance for conservation leases in the planning legislation and that large parts of the area are covered by existing 99-year rural leases.

The committee’s sixth recommendation is that a comprehensive survey of raptors and woodland birds in the Molonglo Valley, including nocturnal species, should be conducted over the course of four seasons so as to better inform planning decisions. This recommendation is supported in part.

The preliminary assessment of draft variation 281 identified the expected impacts to the Molonglo Valley raptor community as a result of urban development. The PA evaluation found that the impacts had been adequately identified and reported. Notwithstanding this, further raptor studies in east Molonglo, including nocturnal raptors, will be undertaken, as required.

The details of the studies will be drafted in consultation with TAMS and relevant stakeholders. Where required, further consultation with raptor experts will determine the specific type and length of raptor studies to be undertaken. The committee’s recommendation to conduct a survey over four seasons is noted. Further studies specifically in central Molonglo will not be conducted as part of any planning work.

The committee’s seventh recommendation is that the ACT government consider mitigation measures for loss of habitat—in particular, the conservation and restoration of remnant woodland areas. This recommendation is supported. Further work with regard to mitigation measures, conservation and restoration is to be undertaken.

The first study to look further at these issues will be a strategic assessment of Molonglo and north Weston under the commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This strategic assessment is planned to be commenced in spring of 2008. The assessment will consider additional environmental protection policies, mitigation measures and restoration opportunities for woodland, grassland, riparian areas and threatened species habitat in east Molonglo and the surrounds. The findings of the strategic assessment will be implemented through on-ground actions and management policies and agreements.

The committee’s eighth recommendation is that the Planning and Land Authority assess the impact of the development on other uncommon species in the Molonglo Valley. This recommendation is also supported. While the evaluation of the PA of draft variation 281 found that the potential environmental impacts of the variation were adequately identified, further environmental studies on uncommon species in east Molonglo will be undertaken.

These are currently being progressed through the Molonglo stormwater management option study and the strategic assessment. Species and communities of particular interest include the pink-tailed worm lizard, yellow box-red gum grassy woodlands and natural temperate grassland. The findings of these studies will inform opportunities for mitigation, conservation and restoration and will inform further detailed planning of east Molonglo.

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