Page 1873 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 25 June 2008

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I seek leave to table that document.

Leave granted.

MR SESELJA: I table the following paper:

Proposed gas fired power station and data centre—Copy of Attachment 3 to press release 256/07, dated 23 May 2007.

Mr Stanhope’s worst contortions in his testimony were his contradictory positions on whether block 7 of 21 in Hume was offered. Mr Stanhope told estimates on 27 May:

The site was offered and not accepted.

When documentary evidence did not back this up, we saw a number of contradictory positions put. Position 1 was that he did not know if the request for land was rebuffed. Mr Stanhope said:

No. I do not know that level of detail.

Position 2 was that he admitted knowledge of the facts. He said:

… it was not formally offered, Mr Smyth. I guess we had better get down—it was not formally offered.

In position 3, on the same day of testimony, Mr Stanhope claimed:

… I do not believe it was ever made not available ... I do not know of a single piece of evidence … that has been produced.

In a fourth position, Mr Stanhope accused ActewAGL of turning down an offer over block 7 of 21. Mr Stanhope was asked:

… did the proponent just say, “We do not want it, so we will leave it for you to release in another method”?

He replied:

Yes, that is what happened. The proponent chose not to accept this ... The proponents decided that they did not want this particular site.

He was challenged about the letter from Scott Carr, on behalf of ActewAGL of 8 July 2007, which contradicts him. This is the document in which ActewAGL begged him to reconsider the government’s refusal to offer block 7 of 21. With a straight face, he told the parliament:

No. At no stage have I been asked and I am not aware that the government has been asked or that the LDA has been asked.

It spoke volumes that Mr Cappie-Wood did not back up Mr Stanhope. Mr Cappie-Wood said that ActewAGL never ruled out block 7 of 21, but he did not

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