Page 1872 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 25 June 2008

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We therefore wish to request the support of the Chief Minister in asking the LDA to review the industrial release program with a view to making block 7/21 available for the natural gas power station/data centre project.

I seek leave to table that document.

Leave granted.

MR SESELJA: I table the following paper:

Proposed gas fired power station and data centre—Copy of Email to Rod Power from Scott Carr, dated Sunday, 8 July 2007.

If it was always available, as is claimed, why were ActewAGL asking in July for it to be made available? Mr Stanhope himself wrote, in answer to a question on notice:

The first site identified by ACTEWAGL was Block 7 Section 21 Hume. However, this site is being prepared for development as a green industrial estate. LDA, in consultation with ACTPLA, referred ACTEWAGL to Block 18 Section 23 Hume.

I seek leave to table that document.

Leave granted.

MR SESELJA: I table the following paper:

Proposed gas fired power station and data centre—Copy of Select Committee on Estimates 2008-2009—Question on notice No E08-253.

Once again, it is another indication that ActewAGL were moved off their preferred site. It is extraordinary that, having spent the day denying that ActewAGL were steered towards Tuggeranong, he indicates, in answer to a question on notice, that that is exactly what happened. Once again, it is another indication that ActewAGL were moved off their preferred site.

It is extraordinary also that, according to the government, ActewAGL, which has spent years seeking the Hume site, and had, as late as 8 July 2007, asked once again for the government to give it this site, suddenly, just as it was allegedly offered the Hume site, decided within a couple of weeks to move to another site. Mr Stanhope has told the Assembly:

The facts are that I personally had no role in the site identification or selection process.

In fact, on 23 March 2007, in a media release, Mr Stanhope indicated that he had personally narrowed the field of sites under initial consideration by confining the search to Hume. He stated:

In relation to the possible site of the gas-fired powered station I asked officials some weeks ago whether they might be able to identify land at Hume.

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