Page 1422 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 June 2007

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More than $830,000 will be spent upgrading fire stations and $6.5 million will be spent on firefighting vehicle replacements over the next four years. This represents a major upgrade, across the board, involving light units, heavy tankers, water tankers, heavy pumpers and command vehicles.

More than half a million dollars will be spent on additional rescue equipment and more than a quarter of a million dollars will be spent creating 10 new community fire units, taking the total number across the territory to 38.

This budget continues to improve the facilities, equipment and training for the fire and SES volunteers who give tirelessly of their time to protect the ACT community.

Today’s budget also increases support for victims of crime by $2.2 million over four years.

Help for those in need

Mr Speaker, just as the right of every youngster to a quality education represents core Labor values, so too does the right of society’s most vulnerable to enjoy lives of dignity and worth.

Disadvantage takes many forms. That is why the government’s approach to tackling disadvantage is multipronged, with assistance delivered through mainstream as well as targeted programs.

Almost $16 million will be spent over the next four years increasing support for young people and adults with serious intellectual and physical disabilities. Non-government schools will share in an extra million dollars to improve access for students with a disability.

Today I announce $12.6 million over the next four years in recurrent funding and $3.5 million in capital funding to improve mental health services. This investment will increase the number of specialist mental health providers, give Canberrans in need greater access to community mental health care and create community-supported accommodation options as alternatives to hospitalisation. The capital funding will be used for forward design work for a major construction project—dedicated mental health facilities at the Canberra Hospital comprising a 40-bed adult ward and a 15-bed forensic facility.

Today I also announce additional funding of $209,000 for a residential detoxification and withdrawal program for women and women with children and a massive boost of $1.7 million over four years to help reduce the waiting list for dental services.

Mr Speaker, the abolition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commission by the Australian government has had ramifications symbolic and practical. Where are the indigenous faces and voices on our nightly news these days? Where are the community leaders? Where can the next generation of Aboriginal leaders turn for the training they need to become effective advocates for their people?

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