Page 1421 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 June 2007

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include the Cotter to Googong bulk transfer scheme and the installation of submersible pumps in the Murrumbidgee.

Mr Speaker, little of this massive investment is reflected in the budget papers published today, because it is expenditure made by Actew on the Government’s and on the community’s behalf.

But the numbers are sizeable, even staggering. Actew will make capital investments of more than $250 million over the next four years to address this city’s water treatment, storage and distribution infrastructure.

This figure will rise massively to more than $600 million if the government, at the end of its community consultation, approves Actew’s plans to recycle the used water we now allow to flow from the lower Molonglo plant, and store it in an enlarged Cotter dam.

Keeping the community safe

Mr Speaker, since coming to office in the ACT, Labor has made a financial investment in emergency services that is probably unmatched by any city of this size, anywhere in the world.

At the same time, we have taken care to preserve our reputation as a safe city, with relatively low levels of crime.

Since its election in 2001 Labor has increased expenditure on emergency services by 119 per cent—from around $36 million in 2001-02 to $79 million a year.

In the same period we have increased the capacity of ACT Policing to fight crime, improved police visibility, tightened response times and improved clearance rates. There are now 120 more police, keeping their fellow Canberrans safe. Expenditure on policing has grown by 56 per cent to $106 million in 2006-07.

Today, the investment continues. The 2007-08 budget earmarks almost $15 million in new recurrent funding and around $18.2 million in capital funding over four years for a range of community safety and justice initiatives.

Funding of $1.2 million for the forward design of the new Belconnen police station has been provided, and almost $4.7 million will be spent upgrading court facilities and security. Additional capital funding of $2.6 million has been provided for the new youth detention centre.

The capacity of the ambulance service is being boosted, with $4.2 million over four years for 16 extra staff, patient transport and training. Fleet capability is being increased with $718,000 in capital funding for two additional intensive care ambulances, one patient transport ambulance and one special ambulance to transport morbidly obese patients.

The budget sets aside $1.597 million over four years to implement more of the recommendations made in the coroner’s report into the 2003 bushfires.

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