Page 2970 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 20 September 2006

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(l) built, in conjunction with the BOM, an automatic weather station on Mount Ginini for more accurate weather information for mountain fire fighting;

(m) joined the National Aerial Firefighting Centre scheme, which includes support for the basing of one medium-sized helicopter in the Territory and one light helicopter during the bushfire season and gives the ACT access to many more firefighting aircraft in an emergency;

(n) entered into agreement with NSW RFS to have both NAFC aircraft available for 12 weeks minimum in the ACT compared to six weeks previously;

(o) created an Operational Atlas for ensuring a consistent operations map for all agencies involved in any emergency situation in the future;

(p) signed memoranda of understanding with the NSW RFS, NSW Fire Brigade and NSW State Emergency Service for guaranteed cross-border co-operation;

(q) signed memoranda of understanding with the ACT media;

(r) signed memoranda of understanding between ACTAS and ACTFB;

(s) established memoranda of understanding with NSW NPWS to provide mutual aid for emergency response in bushfire control;

(t) established a consistent Government Land Access agreement with all Territory land managers to allow emergency access to all lands;

(u) created the FireWise Program, a travelling public education resource, which has been teaching the ACT about bushfires for three years;

(v) extended the Bush FireWise Program to a Farm FireWise Program to engage all ACT leaseholders in a targeted bushfire risk management program to protect their properties and the Canberra community from bushfire;

(w) created and distributed a public bushfire education supplement called ‘Bushfires in the Bush Capital’;

(x) implemented a Standard Early Warning System for the Territory, ensuring a timely warning in an emergency, distributed throughout the Territory at media outlets, shopping centres, sports grounds, etc;

(y) implemented revised AIIMS training for ACT RFS senior officers, including Incident Controller, Operations Officer and Planning Officer to meet national competency standards;

(z) created a Yellow Pages information section for improved public awareness during an emergency;

(aa) created a full-time community relations and media liaison unit;

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