Page 1692 - Week 05 - Thursday, 11 May 2006

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(a) 7.5 hours of community service work for each $100, or part of $100, of the outstanding fine; or

(b) 500 hours.

(2) The period during which the community service work is required to be completed under the community service fine enforcement order must be at least—

(a) if fewer than 250 hours work is required—12 months; or

(b) if 250 or more hours work is required—24 months.

154CWhen community service fine enforcement orders end

A community service fine enforcement order for a fine defaulter ends when the earliest of the following happens:

(a) the fine defaulter completes the number of hours of community service work required to be performed under the order;

(b) the order is cancelled under section 154A (6).


Schedule 1, amendment 1.244

Proposed new section 154D (1) (b)

Page 93, line 25—

omit proposed new section 154D (1) (b), substitute

(b) the outstanding fine has not been remitted by the Executive; and

(c) a community service fine enforcement order is not in force in relation to the defaulter.


Schedule 1, amendment 1.244

Proposed new section 158

Page 95, line 1—

omit proposed new section 158, substitute

158Outstanding fine satisfied by community service work or imprisonment

(1) A person who is subject to a community service fine enforcement order discharges the person’s liability to pay the outstanding fine—

(a) at the rate of 7.5 hours of community service work for each $100, or part of $100, of the outstanding fine; or

(b) if the person is required to perform 500 hours community service work—at the end of the 500 hours of community service work.

(2) A person imprisoned under section 154D (Fine defaulters—imprisonment) discharges the person’s liability to pay the outstanding fine—

(a) at the rate of $100 for each day or part of a day for which the person is detained under the warrant; or

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