Page 1342 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 9 May 2006

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But that is what one can imagine must have happened with Mr Stanhope when the balloon went up and the feds and their agents presented all of these nasty challenges to him. It is too pathetic for words the way this Chief Minister and this Labor government consistently let down the community, whom they were elected to govern, in the interests of their narrow, sectional interests.

Here we are seven months after the Howard government rushed, but sensibly so and with measure, the urgent legislation into place and this mob are still faffing around, agonising over the merest detail and worried sick they will offend their human rights, socialist lobby. No wonder Mick Keelty and his officers are throwing up. No wonder the AFPA have loudly, and again in recent days, stated they have lost faith in this mob. Rome burns while Mr Stanhope fiddles, as usual.

Here we see a Labor government in just one of so many examples of behaviour where they let down our police force. Where is the compassion? Where is the sense of concern for their police service regarding their counter-terrorist work? Where is the overriding concern to ensure that CPO Fagan and her police have the tools needed to quickly respond to and meet any terrorist threat that they may encounter? Where is Mr Stanhope’s acknowledgment that his police now face additional and more intense threats in their carriage of duties to protect their community than has traditionally been the case since 2000?

Does Mr Stanhope have any idea of what counter-terrorist operations entail and what sort of people police are faced with who are intent on terrorist or terrorism-support activities? Does Mr Stanhope know that the intensity of behaviour of those who were threatened targets within our community is far greater than that of the vast majority of bad fellows that our police generally deal with?

I suggest Mr Stanhope and his ministers read very quickly a short list of the following to better acquaint them with the attitudes and hell-bent intent of those who would do Australia, Australians and, therefore, Canberrans a good deal of harm. And in these dark and evil attitudes, there are no niceties such as sparing the women and children. I refer to the following texts: Nida’ul Islam [Call to arms], the Islamic Youth Movement magazine, Sydney, February-March 1997, to better examine the travels in and out of Australia of JI’s Hambali and other JI and al-Qaeda lieutenants, establishing bases and cells for operations across the country, including Canberra. I am sure Mr Stanhope would find this text through local resources here in the ACT, as the entire country now knows that Mr Stanhope will encourage the freedom of black-hearted types to access, download, bring in and keep this sort of trash here in the ACT anyway.

The No 2 item is: Brian Michael Jenkins’s Countering Al Qaeda: an appreciation of the situation and suggestions for strategy, RAND, 2002. Read this for a chilling but clear understanding of the deep hatred and single-minded determination of the people wanting to target Western nations, including Western nations’ capital cities. No 3 is Rohan Gunaratna’s Inside Al Qaeda, Scribe Publications, Melbourne, 2002. Mr Gunaratna carefully lays out the threats to this country and Canberra, specifically Canberra’s diplomatic, defence, AFP and seat-of-government targets, which I remind this Chief Minister our citizens would be collateral targets against.

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