Page 1124 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 3 May 2006

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essential features the budget projections contained within the midyear review, delivered just some three months ago.

There has been much speculation about whether or not the projected operating deficit of $16.8 million in the year 2008-09 had in some mysterious way grown into a projected budget deficit of $190 million for the year 2008-09. It is important that I inform the Assembly today that that is not the case. That suggestion is absolutely, unutterably wrong. It is false. If I was not in a sensitive mood today, I might have been inclined to describe that claim, or that allegation, or that suggestion, in terms other than that it is false. I might have been inclined to attribute to anybody that believed or spread or was responsible for the suggestion that the anticipated budget deficit for 2008-09 was $190 million in terms other than that they were obviously mistaken in their view. I might have utilised some other description which was perhaps less sensitive than that but I am sure, Mr Speaker, that you get my drift.

It is an appalling suggestion that has been put about, regrettably compounded by the Canberra Times today. “Budget blow-out may hit $390m” the Canberra Times reports today in a banner front-page headline. I think that is the most misleading headline I have ever seen in the Canberra Times: “Budget blow-out may hit $390m”. To whom does it attribute these forecasts? The Canberra Times, of course, to the extent that it believes it is entitled to rely on information provided to it by the Leader of the Opposition, has sheeted home to the Leader of the Opposition responsibility for these claims. These forecasts are described by the Canberra Times in a little column provided for our assistance and edification—the estimate of a $190 million deficit is provided to them by the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Brendan Smyth, as the deficit now proposed or anticipated for 2008-09. The Canberra Times then quite helpfully goes on to explain that the suggestion that this banner headline of “Budget blow-out may hit $390m” is in response to information provided to it by Mr Brendan Smyth that, if health spending is not, apparently, cut by $200 million, the budget deficit in the year 2008-09 will be $390 million, from the midyear review stated position of $16.8 million. So we have the Leader of the Opposition claiming that from a position reported in February—

MR SPEAKER: Order! The minister’s time has expired.

MS MacDONALD: My supplementary question to the Treasurer relates to the outcome referred to in this morning’s Canberra Times. Can he further elucidate on the allegations in the Canberra Times that the territory could face a budget deficit of $190 million in the 2008-09 year?

MR STANHOPE: Thank you, Ms Macdonald. I am more than pleased to do that. As I have indicated, the allegations that the base midyear review projection of a 2008-09 deficit of $16.8 million—being expanded by the Leader of the Opposition into a deficit of $190 million and potentially, if certain steps such as the cutting of $200 million from the health budget are not instituted, an anticipated deficit for the year 2008-09 of $390 million—are false, wrong, mistaken or misguided and are a complete misstatement and misinterpretation of anything that Mr Costello might have said. That is the kindest thing that one can say about that.

The government, through its deliberation by budget cabinet, continues to base its deliberations on the projected outcomes contained within the midyear review. Those

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