Page 427 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 15 February 2005

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own sake, I think we are going to waste a lot of each other’s time. I would just go back to the point that I made earlier: let’s work together for a decent government in the territory.

MR MULCAHY (Molonglo) (5.10): Mr Speaker, obviously I am disappointed that the amendment will not be accepted. It is not a case of saying that every piece of legislation that comes before the Assembly needs these sorts of provisions incorporated. We are in some respects moving into a different era where we have new types of legislation to deal with matters of security and public safety. This was not a frivolous amendment, and I appreciate Dr Foskey’s support.

I am not sure of the legal capacities of the Auditor-General’s office but in fact I did confer with Parliamentary Counsel and, after some discussion, it was agreed—and I was advised—that there was some element of doubt about our capacity to operate if this bill is passed without these amendments. In the spirit of transparency, accountability and respecting the work of the Assembly and the committees of the Assembly, I would have thought it incumbent on the government to ensure that that measure of comfort can be enjoyed by the people of the ACT, that there continues to be an adequate safeguard on the scrutiny of these matters.

Question put:

That the Mr Mulcahy’s amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 7

Noes 8

Mrs Burke

Mr Seselja

Mr Berry

Ms MacDonald

Mrs Dunne

Mr Smyth

Ms Gallagher

Ms Porter

Dr Foskey

Mr Stefaniak

Mr Gentleman

Mr Quinlan

Mr Mulcahy

Mr Hargreaves

Mr Stanhope

Question so resolved in the negative.

Title agreed to.

Bill agreed to.

Revenue Legislation Repeal Bill 2004

Debate resumed from 9 December 2004, on motion by Mr Quinlan:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

MR MULCAHY (Molonglo) (5.15): Mr Speaker, the opposition is pleased to support this bill because, indeed, in some ways it goes towards implementing Liberal Party policy. I commend the Treasurer for his understanding of the correctness of that policy. The bill could and should go much further but at least it is a promising start. Members in this place will recall that the Liberal Party went to the recent election with a policy of eliminating the high-cost, inefficient transaction taxes that bedevil investment and commerce in the ACT. I am pleased to see that the Treasurer used the word “inefficient” to describe these taxes. It certainly shows an appreciation on his part which, I am sure, is

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