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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2138 ..

Attachment E



(1) Name of Review:

Review of Rating System - a review of the current rating system to improve its equity and fairness, in particular to minimise adverse impacts on long term residents of significant annual increases in the rates bills was established in January 2002.

(2) How much has each of these cost to date and what has been the total cost to Government of these projects:

Costs to date have been minimal with preliminary work carried out within existing resources.

(3) Can he further advise of the cost of these projects to each agency:

There are no costs that can be attributed to any agency with ACT Government at this time.

(4) What is the reporting date for each of these projects:

No formal reporting date has been set, but will be in the 2002-03 financial year.

(5) What are the terms of reference or guidelines for each of these projects:

Terms of Reference for this Review are yet to be finalised, pending consultation with key stakeholders, and community groups.


Inquiries, reviews, committees and task forces

(Question No 198)

Mr Humphries asked the Minister for Urban Services, upon notice, on 6 June 2002:

a) Please advise of all the inquiries, reviews, committees and taskforces that you or agencies under your direct control have established since appointment as Minister in November 2001.

b) How much has each of these cost to date and what has been the total cost to Government of these projects.

c) What is the cost of these projects to each agency.

d) What is the reporting date for each of these projects.

e) What are the terms of reference or guidelines for each of these projects.

Mr Wood: The answer to Mr Humphries' question is:

A total of eight inquiries, reviews, committees and taskforces have been established since my appointment as Minister for Urban Services/Arts in November 2001. The list is attached in the following table:

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