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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2137 ..

Dated this 18th day of December 2001




Attachment D



(1) Name of Review:

Review of the Public Access to Government Contracts Act 2000. In response to the recommendations in the Public Accounts Committee Report Number 28 on the Public Access to Government Contracts Act 2000 (Act), the Government has agreed to the Department of Treasury undertaking a review of the operation of the Act.

(2) How much has each of these cost to date and what has been the

total cost to Government of these projects:

All costs associated with this review will be met from within existing budgets.

(3) Can he further advise of the cost of these projects to each agency:

All costs associated with other agencies participating in this review will be met from within their existing budget.

(4) What is the reporting date for each of these projects:

The review team is scheduled to report to the Government in September 2002.

(5) What are the terms of reference or guidelines for each of these


The terms of reference/guidelines for this review were provided by the

Public Accounts Committee Report Number 28:

"That the operation of the Public Access to Government Contracts Act 2000 be reviewed to assess whether all confidential information in contracts is covered by the Act and whether some contracts regularly made by government agencies fall outside the terms of the Act."

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