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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2135 ..

Attachment C



(1) Name of Review:

Investigation into Full Retail Contestability for Electricity - the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission is undertaking an inquiry into the public benefit of the extension of full retail competition for electricity in the ACT to customers using 100MWh p.a. or less.

(2) How much has each of these cost to date and what has been the total cost to Government of these projects:

At this stage, the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission has not requested any payment associated with this Inquiry.

(3) Can he further advise of the cost of these projects to each age ncy:

The Commission has indicated that the Commission's internal costs will be within the range of $35,000 to $40,000. Treasury, as reference agency, has agreed to pay up to a further $40,000. These costs will be met from within budget.

(4) What is the reporting date for each of these projects:

The Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission expects to publish a report on this Inquiry before 30 June 2002.

(5) What are the terms of reference or guidelines for each of these projects:

The terms of reference for this Inquiry are as set out in the Industry Reference for investigation into full retail contestability for electricity, Disallowable Instrument Number D12001 - 346, Dated 18 December 2001 set out as attached:

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