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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2134 ..

Attachment B



(1) Name of Review:

A Business Regulation Review Taskforce was established in March 2002.

(2) How much has each of these cost to date and what has been the

total cost to Government of these projects:

To 6 June 2002 this project has accrued $57,517 in staff expenses (including superannuation and administrative overheads for 3 staff), and $6,600 in website, printing, consultation and meeting costs, a total cost of $64,117. A full cost of $120,300 (including $64,117) is projected.

(3) Can he further advise of the cost of these projects to each agency:

These costs will be met from within budget.

(4) What is the reporting date for each of these projects:

The Taskforce will report to Government on 30 September 2002. This date was extended from July 2002 at the request of industry groups.

(5) What are the terms of reference or guidelines for each of these projects:

The Terms of Reference for the Business Regulation Review Taskforce as follows:

"The purpose of this review is to identify any regulatory processes which impose unnecessary burdens, costs or disadvantages on business activities in the ACT, and recommend a course of action.

In particular, this review will examine the progress made since the 1995 Red Tape Task Force Report and subsequent National Competition Policy associated reviews of business legislation and recommend any further action which is necessary to improve the regulatory environment faced by business without unduly compromising existing consumer and environmental safeguards.

Specifically, the review will:

1. Provide a stocktake of changes in the business regulatory environment since 1995.

2. Examine the effectiveness of the reforms implemented since 1995, including but not limited to:

� the status of implementation of reforms recommended by the various reviews;

� the effectiveness of reforms to date; and

� inconsistencies in regulation and scope for improved Government agency coordination.

3. Examine any inconsistencies in licensing and regulatory requirements between the ACT and NSW that affect cross-border business operations.

4. Recommend changes to administrative and regulatory structures and activities that will improve the efficiency of the ACT business environment."

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