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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2120 ..

Attachment D



(Established since November 2001)

Agency- name: Chief Minister's Department

Name of inquiry / review / committee / taskforce: Study into Connectivity Issues

Established: November 2001

Cost to Date (as at 31 May 2002): $19,000

Reporting Date: 29 June 2002

Terms of Reference / Guidelines:

The Connectivity study will be required to address the following elements:

Connectivity requirements for disadvantaged people

� identify the major connectivity and affordability requirements for each category of disadvantaged people in the ACT; these may be specific and different needs for each category; and

� recommend how the connectivity needs for each category can be met.

Connectivity arrangements

Examine appropriate arrangements for achieving connectivity for each of the disadvantaged groups. This includes consideration of delivery mechanisms including:

� providing direct connectivity e.g. through TransCanada or another provider;

� access being provided in a person's residence or in a community access point: and

� user support requirements including IT training/ education.

Provision of connectivity requirements

� examine how the connectivity requirements can best be provided; and through which channels including government, community organisations, business. This includes identifying how support requirements can be provided; and

� performance measures to assess how efficiently/effectively connectivity arrangements are provided.

Inclusion of connectivity proposals in Connectivity Sub plan for integration into Community IT Access Plan

� recommend how connectivity proposals can be included in proposed sub plan. The sub plan will indicate how connectivity will be achieved for the whole community including disadvantaged people and broader service delivery issues impacted by the connectivity arrangements (a number of these are identified in this specification); and

� the sub plan will itself be incorporated into the proposed Community IT Access Plan which will outline strategy, policies and initiatives to ensure that all members of the community can have equitable access to IT/Internet.

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