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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (9 August) . . Page.. 2854 ..


Clause 28

Subparagraph (2) (i) (i)

Page 11, line 32-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 29

Subclause (1)

Page 12, line 2-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 29

Subclause (2)

Page 12, line 6-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 29

Subclause (3)

Page 12, line 12-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 30

Subclause (1)

Page 12, line 16-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 30

Subclause (2)

Page 12, line 18-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 31

Subclause (1)

Page 12, line 30-

Omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

(1) In addition to any other reports that the authority is required by this Act or any other law to make, the authority must give to the Treasurer the reports that the Treasurer requires.

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