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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (9 August) . . Page.. 2853 ..


Clause 27

Paragraph (6) (a)

Page 10, line 27-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 27

Paragraph (6) (b)

Page 10, line 31-

Omit "if the direction requires the corporation to perform an activity in a way that is different from the manner in which the corporation", substitute "if the direction requires the authority to perform an activity in a way that is different from the way in which the authority".


Clause 27

Paragraph (6) (c)

Page 11, line 1-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 27

Subclause (7)

Page 11, line 6-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 28

Subclause (1)

Page 11, line 9-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 28

Subclause (2)

Page 11, line 13-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".


Clause 28

Paragraph (2) (g)

Page 11, line 26-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

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