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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 2 Hansard (1 March) . . Page.. 533 ..

(5) The regulations may make provision in relation to the removal of a statutory capacity if any determined fee-

(a) is not paid when it is required to be paid; or

(b) is paid by cheque and the cheque is not honoured on presentation; or

(c) is paid by credit card and the credit card transaction is not honoured.

(6) The regulations may make provision in relation to the restoration of a statutory capacity (whether prospectively or during any past period).

(7) This section is in addition to any provision of the authorising law or fees law.

(8) In this section:

credit card includes debit card.

removal , of a statutory capacity, includes suspension, cancellation, revocation, withdrawal, surrender or other prescribed restriction or termination of a statutory capacity under the fees law or authorising law.

statutory capacity includes an accreditation, approval, assessment, authority, certificate, condition, decision, determination, exemption, licence, permission, permit, registration or other prescribed thing conferring a status, privilege or benefit under the fees law or authorising law (whether or not required under either law for doing anything).

  • Proposed new clause 50A

    Page 27, line 26-

  • After clause 50, insert the following new clause:

    50A Effect of failure to notify registrable instrument

    A registrable instrument is not enforceable by or against the Territory or anyone else unless it is notified.

  • Clause 61

    Subclauses (1) and (2)

    Page 33, line 9-

  • Omit the subclauses, substitute the following subclauses:

    (1) An Act commences-

    (a) on its notification day; or

    (b) if the Act provides for a different date or time of commencement-on that date or at that time.

    (2) A subordinate law, disallowable instrument or notifiable instrument commences-

    (a) on its notification day; or

    (b) if an Act or the instrument provides for a later date or time of commencement-on that date or at that time; or

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