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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 11 Hansard (30 November) . . Page.. 3548 ..

'(2)   The recount may be conducted by recounting data from electronic ballot papers kept on a backup copy of electronic data produced at a polling place or scrutiny centre.

'(3)   If an approved computer program is used to find out the result of a scrutiny, the recount may be conducted-

(a) by rerunning the program; or

(b) by reloading the data into a different copy of the program and running the program.

'(4)   If practicable, the recount may be conducted-

(a) by re-examining the accuracy of any preference data entered into the computer program from paper ballot papers; or

(b) by conducting-

(i) a partial or full manual scrutiny of paper ballot papers from which preference data has been entered into the computer program; or

(ii) a combination of manual scrutiny of those paper ballot papers and a computerised scrutiny of electronic ballot papers.'.

[5.27] Paragraph 256 (2) (e)-

Renumber paragraph (2) (e) as (2) (f).

[5.28] New paragraph 256 (2) (e)-

After paragraph (2) (d), insert the following paragraph:

'(e) any matter connected with electronic voting;'.

[5.29] Paragraph 269 (1) (b)-

Renumber paragraph (b) as (c).

[5.30] New paragraph 269 (1) (b)-

After paragraph (1) (a), insert the following paragraph:

'(b) an inquiry into the accuracy of approved computer programs used in electronic voting and the electronic scrutiny of votes;'.

[5.31] New Division 17.3A-

After section 306 insert the following Division:

'Division 17.3A-Electronic voting offences

'306A  Interfering with electronic voting devices etc

A person must not, without reasonable excuse, destroy or interfere with any device or computer program that is used, or intended to be used, for or in connection with electronic voting.

Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units, imprisonment for 6 months or both.

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