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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 11 Hansard (30 November) . . Page.. 3547 ..

[5.18]  New subsection 182 (8)-

After subsection (6), insert the following subsection:

'(8)   The OIC may arrange for preferences marked on paper ballot papers to be entered into the approved computer program.'.

[5.19]  New section 183A-

After section 183, insert the following section:

'183A  First count-electronic ballot papers

As soon as practicable after the close of the poll for an election, the OIC for a scrutiny centre must arrange for preferences from electronic voting to be entered into the approved computer program and for the electronic counting of the votes using the program.'.

[5.20]  Subsection 184 (1)-

Omit 'The commissioner', substitute "If preferences marked on paper ballot papers have not been entered on the approved computer program under subsection 182 (8), the commissioner".

[5.21]  Paragraph 184 (1) (a)-

Omit '(4) (d)', substitute '(5) (d)'.

[5.22]  Paragraph 184 (1) (a)-

Omit '(3) and (4)', substitute '(4) and (5)'.

[5.23]  Subsection 184 (2)-

Renumber subsection (2) as (3).

[5.24]  New subsection 184 (2)-

After subsection (1), insert the following subsection:

'(2)   The commissioner must, using the approved computer program, ascertain from the result of the first scrutiny of electronic ballot papers and any paper ballot papers from which preferences have been entered on the computer program under subsection 182 (8)-

(a) the number of unrejected ballot papers on which a first preference is recorded for each candidate; and

(b) the number of informal ballot papers for each electorate.'.

[5.25] Paragraph 185 (1) (a)-

Insert 'and paragraph 184 (2) (a)' after 'subparagraph 184 (1) (b) (i)'.

[5.26] New section 187A-

After section 187, insert the following section:

'187A  Recount of electronic scrutiny of ballot papers

'(1)   This section sets out the alternative ways in which a recount of the electronic scrutiny of ballot papers may be conducted.

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