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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 9 Hansard (7 September) . . Page.. 3054 ..

I seek leave to table that document, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

MR OSBORNE: I table the following paper:

China-Extracts, dated 7 September 2000, from 1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour, US Department of State, February 25, 2000. (Pages 2 to 4 (inclusive), 6, 8, 19, 25, 29 to 32 (inclusive), 36 and 37, 39, 44, 46, 55 and 56, 64, 67 and 68 of 73).

I would now like to turn members' attention to what is written under the heading "Horror of one-child policy", although I will not go into detail.

Mr Moore: This is what it is really about.

MR OSBORNE: No, no. (Further extension of time granted.) I will just read the first bit, Mr Speaker, and then I will table the rest. It says:

The following first-hand accounts demonstrate why the text relating to coercive abortions, sterilisations, and forced contraception must be taken out of brackets and incorporated firmly in the final document.

This is in relation to a document of the United Nations, Mr Speaker. A book, A Mother's Ordeal, quotes a birth control worker who tells this story:

A young woman in my factory had been unable to conceive a child despite three years of trying-and three successive birth quotas. Her problem had finally been diagnosed as an ovarian tumour. When surgery was performed not one but both ovaries were discovered to be diseased. The right ovary ... was completely enveloped ... was removed.

She was told that she would not be able to be pregnant and it would be impossible for her to conceive a child. I again quote:

Hearing this, I had listed her on the population control registers as a ... barren woman, and revoked her birth quota. Several months later, to everyone's utter amazement, she had gotten pregnant. The doctors declared it a miracle. Her fellow workers offered their congratulations. I went to offer my personal best wishes and found her delirious with joy.

The problem was that I had no remaining birth quotas... Not only that, but I had already announced who was to receive quotas-

quotas for the next year-

Her situation was so unusual that it cried out for a kind and sympathetic response. I had no sooner finished explaining the purpose of my visit than Director Huang exploded. "What are you saying?!" she burst out. "This year's quota has already been assigned...Absolutely not. You tell that woman that there is no hope, no hope at all". Defeated, I went back to the factory...She spent many weeks confined to the storeroom before I and others were able to convince her to have an abortion.

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