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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 9 Hansard (7 September) . . Page.. 3053 ..

Mr Kaine: You will notice that the Leader of the Opposition is not listening. He has been diverted.

MR OSBORNE: He is embarrassed. There is more there, Mr Speaker. I have tabled that. The next heading is "Tibet", Mr Speaker, and under "Respect for the Integrity of the Person" the report says this:

The Chinese Government strictly controls access to and information about Tibet. Thus, it is difficult to determine accurately the scope of human rights abuses. However, according to credible reports, Chinese government authorities continued to commit serious human rights abuses in Tibet, including instances of torture, arbitrary arrest, detention without public trial, and lengthy detention of Tibetan nationalists for peacefully expressing their political or religious views. Tight controls on religion and on other fundamental freedoms continued and intensified during the year, especially during sensitive anniversaries and occasions...According to the Tibet Information Network, an independent news and research service based in London, political protest by and detention of Tibetans is both increasing and spreading throughout ethnic Tibetan areas, especially in ethnic Tibetan areas outside of the TAR.

Further on the report says:

While there was limited political violence in Tibet during the year, several political protesters were beaten severely by security forces. According to many credible reports, one protester ... who attempted to raise the outlawed Tibetan flag with explosives tied around his waist during the National Minority Games in August, is still in the hospital because of severe head injuries received during a brutal public beating by security forces.

Mr Kaine: This was just a friendly, little discussion.

MR OSBORNE: That's all, yes. It continues

An unconfirmed report has claimed that he, in fact, died from his injuries...Several groups also reported mistreatment and beatings of nuns in prisons.

There are pages on the atrocities in Tibet, Mr Speaker. This is the government we are going to sign a sister city relationship with.

Still dealing with Tibet, under the heading "Freedom of Religion", the report says:

The Government maintains tight controls on religious activities and places of worship. While it allows a number of forms of religious activity in Tibet, it does not tolerate religious manifestations that advocate Tibetan independence or any expression of separatism, which it describes as "splittism." The Government harshly criticizes the Dalai Lama's political activities and leadership of a government-in-exile. The official press continued to criticize vehemently the "Dalai clique" and, in an attempt to undermine the credibility of his religious authority, repeatedly described the Dalai Lama as a separatist who was determined to split China.

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