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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 9 Hansard (7 September) . . Page.. 3031 ..

MS TUCKER (continuing):

Amnesty International has expressed grave concerns about widespread persecution in China, including crackdowns on the Chinese Democratic Party, the non-official Catholic Church, the Falun Gong movement and, I heard yesterday on the news, the Protestant Church, and in Tibet with the ongoing patriotic re-education campaign and the campaign to encourage atheism, considered to be the most brutal repression since the Cultural Revolution.

I understand that the Chief Minister was one of the first to subscribe to the Legislative Assembly branch of Amnesty International, due to have its inaugural meeting soon. The president of the ACT branch of Amnesty International has written the following letter to the Chief Minister, forwarding copies of that letter to me and to others in the Assembly:

Dear Chief Minister

I am writing to you on behalf of Amnesty International Australia in reference to the proposal that Beijing become a sister city to Canberra. I understand that the proposal is to come before the Legislative Assembly shortly. I write to you in the light of recent suggestions that the human rights situation in China is improving.

I have to advise you that a decision based upon any such views would be proceeding from a grave error of fact. The Amnesty Report 2000 summarises the human rights situation in China as follows:

1999 saw the most serious and wide-ranging crackdown on peaceful dissent in China for a decade...Those targeted in the crackdown included political dissidents, anti corruption campaigners, labour rights activists, human rights defenders and members of unofficial, religious or spiritual groups. Thousands of people were arbitrarily detained for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association or religion...In the autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang those suspected of nationalist activities and sympathies continued to be the targets of particularly harsh repression.

There has been no change in substance to this situation in 2000. I have set out a more detailed description of the situation in an attachment. You may also be assisted by reference to the address of the latest Amnesty International Report-

a web address is given-

The attachment deals with the matters under the following headings:

Repression of political dissent

Persecution of religious belief

Tibet and Xinjiang


Responsibility for selecting a sister city and any consequent implications for Canberra's reputation belongs with the ACT government and the Legislative Assembly. It cannot be shifted elsewhere. I am therefore addressing this letter and the attached information to you in the hope it will assist.

I am sending copies to the Leader of the Opposition and independent members of the Assembly.

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