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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 7 Hansard (10 July) . . Page.. 2380 ..

Mr Stanhope: Was that me? I thought it was Mr Osborne.

MR HUMPHRIES: No, I do not think it was.

Mr Stanhope: That was Paul, not me.

MR HUMPHRIES: It was Paul! Since when has Mr Osborne been wearing glasses?

Mr Stanhope: Hell, I thought it was him.

MR HUMPHRIES: Did you? I would wish it was him if I were you, Mr Stanhope. But it was not Mr Osborne; it was you, I am afraid to tell you.

Mr Speaker, apparently we are now being told that Mr Stanhope rolled up or skipped up to Mrs Carnell's office in the early hours of Monday morning and told Mrs Carnell that, subject to the views of caucus, they would pass the budget. The budget which was too awful to pass the previous Friday, which was too awful even to consider passing the previous Friday, suddenly became worth passing. What was it that changed between the early hours of Friday morning and Monday morning?

Ms Tucker: The deal.

MR HUMPHRIES: There was no agreement with Independents at that stage, Mr Speaker; there simply was not any agreement.

Mr Kaine: You did a shonky deal.

MR HUMPHRIES: There was no deal at that time.

Mr Hargreaves: Oh, come on!

MR HUMPHRIES: There was no deal.

Mr Kaine: Why are we here debating this bill if there was no deal. You did a shonky deal, otherwise we would all be up in Queensland, even Paul.

MR HUMPHRIES: Listen, Mr Kaine: at 11 o'clock on Monday morning there was no deal.

MR SPEAKER: Order! May we get back to the matter before the house.

Mr Kaine: Yes, there was. The deal was made on Sunday.

MR HUMPHRIES: It was not.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Can we get back to what is before the house.

Mr Kaine: Didn't you know about it on Sunday? You did not know about it until Monday morning?

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