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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 7 Hansard (10 July) . . Page.. 2379 ..

Mr Hargreaves: In 1991, another history lesson.

MR HUMPHRIES: History is a dreadful thing, is it not? Fancy having to quote what the people opposite have said in the past! It is terribly embarrassing, is it not? They should burn all the Hansards so that we cannot see what they have said in the past.

Mr Hargreaves: What did Hannibal have to say?

MR HUMPHRIES: The animal?

Mr Hargreaves: Hannibal. You are not only going blind but going deaf as well-blind, deaf or stupid, take your pick.

MR SPEAKER: Order, please! Interjections are out of order and should not have to be acknowledged anyway.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I know that those opposite are upset. I would be upset, too, if I heard things like this being said about me:

It seems to me the Labor Party have stuffed up so incredibly badly that I think that they've probably given her-

the Chief Minister-

another term in office by their stupidity ...

I think the Labor Party in one fell swoop wrecked their position when they decided upon this incredibly cynical, stupid behaviour whereby you wreck a Budget which you actually support ... and you wreck it. Why? Because there's $800,000 for this Supervised Injecting Place which the Labor Party supports. Now, what could be more stupid than that?

(Extension of time granted) In the Canberra Times of 8 July the same person said:

What has driven me to this confession-

the confession about there being no electoral laws in history-

is my observation of the ACT Assembly so far this year. I am very impressed at the incompetence of the Labor Party.

The Budget is the best example, with particular reference to the proposed heroin-injecting room. I cannot conceal my derision at the way Labor has handled that issue.

Again, the Canberra Times of Saturday made reference to the fact that the Labor Party has handled this matter with incredible stupidity, incredible clumsiness. The cartoon-

Mr Stanhope: What does he say about Harold?

MR HUMPHRIES: I do not know what he said about him, but I remember what was being said about Mr Stanhope swinging at a golf ball and missing it.

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