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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 5 Hansard (11 May) . . Page.. 1489 ..

We acknowledge the importance of a consultative planning process for students with disabilities. Individual Education Plans are a critical factor in the achievement of successful student outcomes.

The Government also supports positive cultural change by continuing to offer public recognition to schools and teachers who are providing best practice programs for students with disabilities. The successes of teachers and schools are acknowledged in many ways, through publications, awards and ceremonies. In 1999, for example, Chisholm Primary School was presented with the Excellence in Education Award for their successful inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream classes.

The Government supports the need for staff training to ensure competence in diverse settings. The department will continue to provide opportunities for teachers and staff to have access to training in special education and student management.

Professional development will remain a high priority in the ACT and my Department will continue to liaise with Universities and other tertiary educational institutions to ensure that new teachers are prepared for all areas of education.

Finally, Mr Speaker, the Government supports the recommendation that the Department work with ACT Community Care to refine the instruments used to assess satisfaction with educational programs for students with disabilities, so they can provide more details on levels of satisfaction within the educational program.

Mr Speaker, the Government has supported the intent of five recommendations made by the Committee.

The Government supports the spirit of recommendation eleven with respect to continuing to implement and monitor strategies to prevent incidents of violent behaviour.

Strategies are in place to prevent incidents of violent behaviour and work to improve the effectiveness of these strategies is ongoing. The Government will of course continue to monitor such strategies and to insure appropriate reporting and enhancement actions are taken.

However, Mr Speaker, it would be inappropriate for an Assembly Committee to monitor activities at an individual school level. Such detail is more effectively dealt with at the school and department level.

Mr Speaker, the Government supports the intent of recommendation twelve and is in the process of assessing future needs in this area.

Both Koomarri and The Woden School have established programs for violent students. The Department of Education and Community Services will document these programs and investigate alternative national and international initiatives.

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