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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 5 Hansard (11 May) . . Page.. 1488 ..

The Government agrees that the current needs based resourcing model for students with disabilities should be modified by the Department of Education and Community Services. As a result of this recommendation, Mr Speaker, my Department will continue to develop a needs based model of resourcing for special schools and learning support units in readiness for resource allocation, and include it in 2000-2001 purchase agreement.

The Government also agrees to further upgrade playground and wheelchair access facilities at Koomarri and Cranleigh schools. Cranleigh School has, in fact, recently been provided with improved access such as ramps and automatic doors.

The commitment of the Department to the provision of quality facilities for students with disabilities is evident in the 1999-2000 budget allocation of approximately $1 million for the hydrotherapy pool at Koomarri School. This was identified as a high priority item by the School Board.

In fact, Mr Speaker, this pool will be available to both the school and general community as of next month.

Koomarri School currently has a project underway using school-based management and other funding to provide an easily accessible outdoor area for students with wheelchairs. The provision of direct access from the Caring Alternative Learning Model (CALM) unit to additional toilets will be examined and, where possible, these facilities will be considered as part of the 2000-2001 minor new works program.

Mr Speaker, the Government agrees that the provision of therapy services be reviewed so that services are flexible, efficient and coordinated. Our commitment to the improvement of therapy services is demonstrated by the allocation of an additional $300,000 to the service providers.

My department will collaborate with the Department of Health and Community Care and major service providers to review therapy services across agencies, facilitating cohesion and minimising duplication of processes. The Child Health and Development Service (CHADS) and Disability Programs are both responsible for providing therapy services to school aged children in the ACT, and both programs will commence discussions to determine ways of maximising therapy services within allocated resources.

The Government agrees that staff dealing with students with disabilities and challenging behaviours are trained in, and implement preventative approaches to behaviour management. A range of professional development programs are currently offered to assist staff develop skills in this area. These courses will continue to be modified and expanded to provide up to date information on preventative strategies and techniques.

The strategies and protocol for managing students with disabilities whose behaviours cause serious problems at school will be reviewed as part of the long term plan for student management.

The Government agrees that all teachers should receive training in the development and evaluation of Individual Education Plans and notes that this training has commenced.

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