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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 1 Hansard (15 February) . . Page.. 104 ..

13. Definitions

Definitions of terms used in these Guidelines follow.

13.1 Officer The Schedules to this Chapter set out that part of the

contribution costs for accommodation and, where appropriate, meals and incidental expenses, which staff must pay themselves. This is called the officer contribution.

13.2 Pre-relocation 'Pre-relocation locality' means the locality at which

locality staff lived immediately before relocation. However, where residence at that locality was temporary, for example on an overseas posting, or a term transfer to a remote locality, the locality at which staff last lived permanently (that is, had established a home) may be regarded as the pre-relocation locality.

14. Rent ceilings

Capital city rent markets are periodically surveyed to assess reasonable costs for particular categories of rented housing. These figures underlie the rent ceilings specified in the Schedule to this Chapter. However, there is a discretion to allow rents above these ceilings if necessary (see B: 4.6).

15. Eligible officers

These Guidelines set out which officers are eligible for TAA. Essentially, payment of TAA depends on whether the ACT Government pays the cost of transport and removal on relocation. The Rules contained in this Chapter set out the conditions under which the ACT Government pays these costs. TAA is not payable to staff transferred within a locality.

16. Advice to officers

Chief Executives should ensure that officers who are determined to be eligible for TAA payments are made aware before they move out of their homes at the pre-relocation locality, of the TAA provisions and other relocation conditions, including for settling-in and settling-out.

17. Settling-out/settling-in allowances

17.1 Settling-out If it is necessary for staff who are permanently

allowance relocated to new localities to sell or otherwise vacate

their homes, or have their furniture uplifted before departure to the new locality, a settling-out allowance may be granted for any short-term accommodation. It is not expected that this period

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