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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 9 Hansard (2 September) . . Page.. 2900 ..

Community Liaison and Indigenous Affairs

We will amalgamate the Community Liaison Unit and the Customer Commitment and Communication Unit in order to better consult with and report to the community. Elements of the Communications Unit (ACT Homepage and Intranet) will be integrated with OITM.

Indigenous Affairs and the continued progression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues will remain a priority

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services and Corporate Finance functions have already been co-located and we will place an increased emphasis on human resource planning and support. The Manager will participate in the Department's Executive Committee.

Office of the Business and Tourism Adviser

We will create an Office of the Business and Tourism Adviser, with the general role of promoting business development and service provision across the whole of the ACT Government and facilitating business access to Government services.

Arts ACT

Arts ACT will report directly to the Chief Executive through Rosemary Walsh and the Manager will participate in the Department's Executive Committee.

Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs will remain an important function for the Department and also be directly involved in the Executive management of the department. We will be relocating the International activities of the Office to work with the International Development and Marketing Unit in the business and development area.

Cabinet Coordination

The operation of the Cabinet Office will focus more directly on support to the Cabinet business process, with the Policy Group assuming responsibility for comment and briefing on policy proposals. The manager will also continue to provide Managerial support and development to ArtsACT. The Manager will participate in the Department's Executive Committee.

Government Support Unit

We will establish a Government Support Unit by co-locating responsibilities for Ministerial support to the Chief Minister, support for the Government's Legislative Assembly business and Intergovernmental relations (which will work closely with the Policy Group). The Manager will participate in the Department's Executive Committee.

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