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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 9 Hansard (2 September) . . Page.. 2899 ..

The Policy Group will provide leadership and coordination across government of strategic policy development and review activities. It will be supported in its activities by all departments in a cooperative approach to advising the Government.

With a small allocation of permanent staff the Policy Group will:

� develop an integrated approach to policy advising across portfolio boundaries;

� provide a focus on performance review and reporting on outcomes and priorities;

� deliver major projects in a strategic framework; and

� strengthen support to the Assembly Committee process.

The existing Strategic Development Management Unit (including Regional and Territory Strategy) will be an important element of the Group.

The structure of the Group will closely reflect the portfolio structure of Government and will include an Economic Policy and research function

The full functional description of this Group is attached (Attachment B).

Business Development and International

We will amalgamate the Business Attraction and Strategy Unit and International Development and Marketing (formerly OMIA) to improve of the focus of these important activities. The manager of this Unit will be part of the Department's Executive Committee.

Business Support and Employment Programs

We will improve the support to business and employment by amalgamating the Business Support Unit and Employment and Business Programs Unit to achieve a greater integration of activities. The Manager will participate in the department's Executive Committee.

Public Sector Management (Commissioner)

We will substantially reform the Public Sector Management activities, including reviewing and redefining the role of the Department to ensure that it focuses on what are to be core responsibilities of the Commissioner. The maintenance of standards and ethics, the prevention of fraud and support for Executive arrangements will remain as key responsibilities but, to the maximum extent practicable, we will further devolve and delegate responsibility to Chief Executives, subject to appropriate reporting and performance arrangements.

We will ensure that workforce planning, productivity bargaining and award simplification are less centralised processes and will clarify the roles of the Department and Chief Executives. Improvements in occupational health and safety strategies and workplace injury prevention are key responsibilities of Chief Executives and accordingly we will review the Department's role in this area. The Manager will participate in the Department's Executive Committee.

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