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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 6 Hansard (22 June) . . Page.. 1669 ..

On receipt of AMEX billing statement from Corporate Finance, Cardholders are to ensure that:

(a) transactions recorded on the billing statement reconcile with the Cardholder's own record of Credit Card transactions;

(b) all documentation is attached to the statement;

(c) the reconciliation is checked, coded and signed by both the Cardholder and the cardholder's verifying officer. and

(d) all documentation is forwarded to Corporate Finance for processing.


The Verifying Officer appointed by the supervisor shall ensure:

correct procedures for purchasing have been followed in accordance with the CMD Purchasing Policy and that the relevant documents and evidence of receipt of the goods and/or services are produced;

supplies paid for by the Cardholder are clearly within the description of the relevant natural account and are for official purposes;

the approved card, transaction, and funds available limits appropriated to each card have at no stage been exceeded.

payments are not mad e in advance of the billing statements; and

purchases which are classified as assets or are portable & attractive and easily converted to private use must be brought to the attention of the Assets Officer Corporate Finance by the Cardholder.


The supervisor of the Cardholder is responsible for:

Appointing the Verifying Officer.

appointing a replacement Verifying Officer if necessary; and

implementing random checks of ACTCCC usage to ensure Cardholder is complying with guidelines.

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