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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 2 Hansard (11 March) . . Page.. 646 ..
During the 1996/1997 financial year agreed outcomes were reached in relation to three claims concerning public health services, two of which involved the payment of money. An agreed outcome was reached in relation to one claim concerning a private health service outside the conciliation process. Three claims concerning private health services and one claim concerning a public health service are still in the conciliation process.
During the 1997/1998 financial year an agreed outcome was reached in relation to a claim concerning a private health service which involved the payment of money. There are five claims concerning private health services which are still in the conciliation process.
(3) Financial settlements totalled $97,432 for private patients and $64,250 for public patients. It should be noted, however, that financial settlements were also reached between the parties outside the conciliation process on several occasions and that a number of matters are still open.
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