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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 4 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 1141 ..

Prior to tape replacement, the CCTV camera mountings, fittings and the VCR unit must be inspected for damage, any detected damage must be recorded and reported for appropriate repair.

All tape movements are to be registered in a master tape register as detailed in attachment B.

3.2 Security Access and Control

All CCTV Video tapes and monitoring equipment will be stored in an approved security area within North and South Regions.

Keys to the secure area will be held by the General Manager North/South Region and the Authorised Officer.

Access to the secure area is limited to the Executive Director, General Manager and Authorised Officer for each region.

An access control register for the secure area will be maintained in both the North and South Region recording the details of those entering the security area. This will include the date, time, officers name and signature.

3.3 Method of Storage

All CCTV Video Tapes are to be stored in security cabinets within the secure area.

Storage cabinets are required to be divided into three categories:

. Blank Tapes

. Current Tapes

. Evidence Tapes

All current tapes which do not indicate any criminal activity must be stored in numerical order, and shelving clearly labelled for easy retrieval of video tapes where after fourteen (14) days any activity recorded will be erased and the tape recycled for further use.

All evidence tapes must be stored separately in numerical order, and shelving clearly labelled for easy retrieval of video tapes, these are to be kept for an indefinite period. If the tape is to be handed to the AFP to assist in their investigation it is to be recorded in a register along with the details of the AFP Officer (name, rank and signature).

New or recycled CCTV Video Tapes will be signed in and out by the Authorised Officer in a register detailing date/time, officers name and signature.

No CCTV Video Tapes containing images of criminal activity, anti-social behaviour or an offence against the Motor Omnibus Services Act 1955 will be copied, only original tapes will be handed over to the AFP for further investigation.


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