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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1998 Week 4 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 1140 ..


Subject Section

Definition 1

Operational Orders 2

Procedures 3

- Installation and Removal of Tapes from VCR 3.1

- Security Access and Control 3.2

- Method of Storage 3.3

Assessment 4

- Pre Overt CCTV Operational Assessment 4.1

- Tape Analysis 4.2

- Post Overt CCTV Operational Assessment 4.3

- Weekends and after hours procedures. 5

Signage 6

Attachment A Incident Report

Attachment B Master Tape Register

Attachment C Samples of Signage


"Authorised Officer" Is an ACTION employee appointed to the position of Authorised Officer by the Executive Director of ACTION for the purposes of carrying out the procedures as set out in this protocol. There shall only be one officer appointed as the Authorised Officer.

"Executive Director" The Executive Director has overall responsibility for ACTION.

"General Manager" The General Manager has a responsibility and authority for the operation of ACTION services and support functions within his/her region.

" AFP" Australian Federal Police

"ACTION Employee" Is a member of the ACTGS specifically employed by ACTION whether permanent, temporary or casual.


All operations involving overt CCTV must be approved by the Executive Director or the General Manager North/South Region.

To protect the privacy and integrity of ACTION patrons video tapes can only be viewed when a report of criminal activity, anti-social behaviour or an offence against the Motor Omnibus Services Act 1955 has been received from a Bus Operator, ACTION employee or any member of the public who witnesses an incident occurring.


3.1 Installation and Removal of Tapes from VCR

The Authorised Officer is the only officer permitted to install and remove CCTV Video Tapes from the recorder unit.


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