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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 14 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 5074 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):


the Liquor Licensing Board's powers to discipline licensees. As a result of these changes and others the underlying philosophy of the Act to encourage the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol has been strengthened significantly. The proposed amendment of the Standards Manual to include matters addressed in the Voluntary Codes of Practice will further strengthen the legislation to effectively regulate the industry. The Government believes the current legislation is effective and that regulatory authorities are well placed to ensure compliance by licensees.

The Government is not aware of any particular problems associated with the sale of liquor by persons under the age of 18. Therefore the Government does not intend to jeopardize employment opportunities for young persons by prohibiting them from working in the hospitality industry.

The Government favours the segregation of liquor sales in general supermarkets but does believe blanket legislation is appropriate. Where licensees are found to be selling liquor illegally the segregation of liquor sales in general supermarkets can be ordered by the Liquor Board through its powers of directions.

In respect of the recommendation relating to corporate penalties, a penalty applies only to the particular licence in respect of which the breach occurred and not to other licences held by a company. However, in circumstances where a company licensee is found to be

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