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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 14 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 5073 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):


it would be unfair to have the onus of proof placed on defendants who are less likely to have the resources or capacity to adequately address the presumption.

On other recommendations contained in the report, I offer the following brief comments in summary of the detailed Government response.

The Government agrees with the principle of educating licensees and their staff about patron care and the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol. However the introduction of compulsory training of staff is an issue requiring careful examination. The Government will examine this issue and view with particular interest the experience of other jurisdictions which are currently considering such an approach.

The Department of Education is in the process of establishing a working party to re-examine drug education strategies in our schools. The working party will have broad membership and will examine current approaches to identify and promote good practices for schools.

As the Assembly is aware, the Liquor Act has undergone significant amendment in recent years with particular focus on responsible serving of alcohol issues such as underage drinking and serving intoxicated persons as well as on occupancy loadings, loss of amenity in the vicinity of licensed premises and the enhancement of

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