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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 11 Hansard (6 November) . . Page.. 3782 ..

MS TUCKER (continuing):

Endorsement - Tribunal

8B. The Tribunal shall, after having regard to the determined criteria and whether the inclusion of the term of the residential tenancy agreement that is inconsistent with a prescribed term was obtained by fraud or undue influence, make an order -

(a) endorsing the term;

(b) where there is no equivalent prescribed term, setting aside the term; or

(c) where there is an equivalent prescribed term, substituting the term with the equivalent prescribed term.".

Page 7, line 19, clause 10, subclause (2), omit "contrary to" (twice occurring), substitute "inconsistent with".

Page 10, line 19, clause 20, omit ÒreleasedÓ, substitute Òthe subject of an application for release under section 30Ó.

Page 13, line 14, clause 27, subclause (5), omit ÒDirectorÓ, substitute ÒTerritoryÓ.

Page 14, line 9, clause 29, paragraph (e), omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

Ò(e) any amount expressed in a term of the agreement to be deductible by the lessor from the bond, being a term endorsed by the Tribunal under section 8B.Ó.

Page 14, line 27, clause 30, subclause (3), omit ÒDirectorÓ, substitute ÒMinisterÓ.

Page 19, line 6, clause 41, paragraph (1)(b), omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

Ò(b) the breach of the prescribed terms was not in accordance with a term of the residential tenancy agreement endorsed by the Tribunal; andÓ.

Page 21, line 34, clause 46, paragraph (1)(d), omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

Ò(d) the breach of the prescribed terms was not in accordance with a term of the residential tenancy agreement endorsed by the Tribunal; andÓ.

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