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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5120 ..

Mr Speaker, I present the Government Response to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report number 20, on the Review of the Auditor General's Report number 4 on Government Secondary Colleges.

The Government is in agreement with the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee's Report.

In fact, I am pleased to present our response. Since the Auditor General's Report was published, the Government has made significant changes to ACT colleges. These changes have improved college efficiency.

And, Mr Speaker, we have made these changes, highlighted resource constraints, and promoted more effective resource management, while at the same time preserving the flexibility of colleges.

That flexibility, Mr Speaker, is the hallmark of their success, and an important reason for their excellent reputation.

The ACT secondary college system is highly valued by the community. We have the highest retention rate to Year 12 in the nation. And we must preserve this great community resource, but still be realistic and practical in our management of resources.

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