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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 5093 ..

. the study and development of democratic values promote active citizenship, respect for law and for the rights of individuals, and commitment to changing discriminatory practices.

(5) How is multiculturalism dealt with and taught.

Multiculturalism is dealt with and taught in many ways:

. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Australian and multicultural education perspectives provide detailed guidance on developing across the curriculum:

=>a knowledge of one's own and other cultures, indigenous and migrant,

=>respectful attitudes towards cultural heritages other than one's own, and

=>intercultural understandings and skills.

. The SOSE Curriculum Framework promotes active citizenship including an understanding and appreciation of the multicultural nature of Australian society. The national Civics and Citizenship program in schools promotes the awareness of rights and the development of real skills in democratic processes.

. The study of languages other than English by students promotes understanding of the languages and cultures of others.

. The Access Asia Schools Program promotes understanding and appreciation of Asian cultures both within Australia and in the nations of Asia.

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