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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 4965 ..

Equity Performance Measures Demonstration Strategy - a national program funded by the Australian National Training Authority for the first time in 1996.

Year Total Recipient

1996 $74,805 . Capital Careers

3) (a) The outcomes of these programs are set out below:

Australian Traineeship System

To provide employment based entry level training. Whilst traineeships are available for all people aged from 16-64, the major participants in the traineeship program are young people entering the workforce. Current traineeship numbers in the ACT exceed 1100, nearly twice the target of 666 set by DEETYA for 1996.

Pre-Vocational Places Program

To provide training to assist people into a pathway to employment. A particular focus is on long term unemployed, young people and others disadvantaged in the labour market. Outcomes are determined by the Commonwealth nationally.

Training Market Development Program

To provide additional vocational training places and to develop a more competitive, open training market in the ACT.

User Choice Program

To provide an alternative decision making system for the allocation of public training funds in contract of training situations - ie placing training decisions at the point of demand rather than supply. Outcomes are determined by the Commonwealth nationally.

Return to Industry Program

To assist trainers to maintain the currency and relevance of their skills and experience thus assisting individuals and teams to develop competencies which provide for more effective vocational education and training services. Outcomes are determined by the Commonwealth nationally.

Special Equity Program

To encourage equal opportunity for women by improving their access to trade
based pre-employment and pre-vocational courses and subsequently to


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