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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 4788 ..

MR OSBORNE (continuing):

Claim: Provides a legislative framework for ACTES operations

It does not. It provides a legislative framework for bushfire operations only

Claim: Provides a decentralised community based arrangement

This statement is devoid of meaning

That is a fair call. The paper continues:

Claim: Provides greater ACTES officer opportunities for all its members

It does not. It reduces these opportunities by a factor of 4

Claim: Provides clearly defined roles

Yes, for firefighting only

Claim: Provides clearly defined duty statements for each position

It does not. It provides a limited set of responsibilities for Team Leaders and does not even address the issues of eligibility and appointment

Claim: Provides a more co-ordinated approach to ACTES and Bushire Operations through a centralised duty officer arrangement

Nonsense. The duty officer will be a bushfire or urban brigade member. These people have no knowledge of ACTES operational roles, responsibilities or capabilities and will not be equipped to make sensible or even rational administrative or operational decisions with regard to ACTES. Operational tasking will be a shambles

Claim: Provide improved training opportunities and facilities

It will not. There will be nowhere to train (particularly in winter), no equipment to train with and a severe degradation in "facilities"

Claim: Provide standard volunteer management policies ...

Waffle. We already have these in place

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