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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 4643 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

document from 1993 somehow can be adopted for 1997, which is nearly where we are, I think shows a lack of understanding of what a strategic plan really needs to be. Strategic plans need to be living documents. They need to change with changing times. By the way, Mr Speaker, the 1993 document was never used. This is the first time that those opposite have shown any inkling of an intention to use the 2020 document, but that is politics.

I think it is very important to run through, for the interest of members, the index of meetings and workshops. Ms Horodny made the point that somehow we had two public meetings. Wrong. All of these were advertised public meetings. We had a public meeting on 3.7.96. We had another public meeting on 10.7.96. We had a strategic futures workshop on 8.7.96. We had another strategic futures workshop, with people from the community, business, arts and culture, on 9.7.96. We had a session with the Canberra Business Council on 15.7.96. We met with the ACT professional institutions - people like the engineers and the RAIA - on 8.7.96. We met with the community councils, the executive - - -

Mr De Domenico: Were they all members of the Liberal Party?

MRS CARNELL: No. I do not think any of them are, actually. The community councils got together with us on 9.7.96, the Housing Industry Association on 15.7.96, the Rural Lessees Association on 16.7.96, and the Canberra Region Campaign on 1.8.96.

There was a session with Mr Moore's committee. It was actually a briefing session, I understand, Mr Speaker. I understand from Mr Kaine's comments on the meeting that Mr Moore did make a number of comments, but Mr Kaine certainly did not see that as being input from the committee at all. His comment was that it was input from Mr Moore. That is fine. Mr Moore has every right to input, Mr Speaker, just as everybody else does. But, certainly from Mr Kaine's perspective, the comments that Mr Moore made were very much his own comments rather than any agreed position from the committee.

Mr Moore: And nobody tried to deny that.

MRS CARNELL: That is good, because that is as it was put to me. We have also had sessions with ACTEW and the regional leaders forum. I made the comment that we had 1,200 responses to our community consultation; but, most importantly, Mr Speaker, there is a consultative group membership. I think it is really important just to run through that quickly. This is the group that signed off on this document. Looking at it, Mr Speaker, I cannot see one Liberal Party member in the whole group. There was Collin Freeland, Professor Don Aitkin, Bob Lansdown, Frank Pangallo, Graham Sansom, Peter Cullen - - -

Mr De Domenico: Peter Cullen is a member of the Labor Party.

MRS CARNELL: Yes. There was Elizabeth Whitelaw, Dr Dorothy Broom - again, she is not a member - Mr Chris Vardon, Professor Julian Disney - not exactly a member - - -

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