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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 4628 ..

Mrs Carnell: There were things you did not like.

MR MOORE: The Chief Minister says, "There were things you did not like". It is supposed to be a participatory process. You should have a genuine strategic plan that can take all of Canberra through into our future, rather than just a Liberal Party manifesto. It is all about what other members of this Assembly like. That seems to be the part that you have missed. Your arrogance has grown to such a great extent that you do not even know it. You were warned what was wrong with it and you decided to ignore it.

Mrs Carnell: Imagine what happens if we do not agree with Michael Moore.

MR MOORE: The Chief Minister says, "What happens if we disagree with Michael Moore?". It is not a question of disagreeing with Michael Moore. I think you will find out that it is a question about whether you agree with the Assembly as a whole or you disagree with the Assembly as a whole. Let me tell you, Chief Minister, that if you disagree with the Assembly as a whole you start to skate on very thin ice.

Mrs Carnell: Go ahead.

MR MOORE: Thank you for your invitation to continue. That is exactly what I am going to do. You continually talk about your poll in which you interviewed 1,200 people and asked them a series of very important questions. You got some very important answers and they ought not to be ignored. Nobody here is saying that they ought to be ignored.

Mrs Carnell: This is what came out of it.

MR MOORE: I will get to it. Do not just wave it at me. You have ignored it in this document; that is the trouble.

Mrs Carnell: No, we have not.

MR MOORE: Do not just say, "We have not". Listen and you might learn something. The one problem that we have with you is that you have forgotten how to listen. When you were in opposition you always talked about people listening. You said that nobody would listen to the community other than you. You have forgotten how to listen. Those 1,200 people told you that economic development was important and that jobs were important. Nobody here disagrees with that. You have translated that into the philosophy of the ecorats, the dry economic rationalists. That is exactly what you are - an ecorat. You have said that the only way to give everybody a job is to fund small business, to fund other business, to make sure business gets tax breaks. It is business, business, business, business.

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