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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 4618 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

I have given Mr Osborne a copy of this magazine, and I will table page 10 of it. The magazine is bma. It is a magazine for young people and it is free. It comes out on a regular basis. It is Canberra's three-monthly entertainment guide. It highlights activities which young people might be interested in and lists whether they have to be over 18 or under 18. I will quote from page 10 of the December issue. The heading is "transit U 18" - which is under 18 - "If you are under 18 you can attend this gig". It goes on to say:

It's ALL local, ALL ages and it's ALL happening on Saturday December seven at the Civic Youth Cafe. Strap yourself in and prepare to sample the best in current and emerging local music. This is TRANSIT.

Then it goes through a few groups who are performing there.

Mrs Carnell: This Friday night in Commonwealth Park.

MR STEFANIAK: The Chief Minister says also this Friday night in Commonwealth Park. So, there are certain things on already. I think it is often a matter of young people not being completely aware of exactly what is on.

The magazine that I have tabled is a very good publication, especially geared towards young people. Obviously, there are a number of other things that could occur. I would be delighted, Mr Osborne, and so would anyone in the Government, to assist in the process of encouraging businesses to cater for this age group and to look towards providing more suitable venues for our young people. There are a number of venues. Perhaps they could be publicised more. We constantly hear of the need for additional facilities, and certainly that is something I would be very happy to assist in. I thank you for raising this issue.

MR OSBORNE: I have a supplementary question. Minister, can I take it that that is an assurance from you that, if any ideas or any issues come up, you will consult with high school and college students, whether it be through your youth advisory committee or directly by you? So, can I take that as an assurance that you will do that - that you will consult with them and listen?

MR STEFANIAK: Yes, indeed, Mr Osborne. As you are well aware, I meet, when I can, with the very effective Ministerial Youth Advisory Council, which is chaired by Mal Meninga, who is putting in a great effort there and who is certainly an inspiration to the young people on that committee. I recently had a meeting with the five young people on that committee, three of whom are college age students, from the government and private sectors, one of whom is at TAFE and one of whom is a youth worker. I will be delighted to pass this on and consult further with them about that. Also, as you say, Mr Osborne, if any young people out there at high school or college have some ideas, I would be happy if they would just write in to me with those ideas. Also, I note that you were keen for these ideas to be taken up by my colleagues and also very much by the local business community for their consideration and implementation. I am happy to pass on those ideas to such organisations as the Canberra Business Council and other groups there.

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