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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 14 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 4611 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

between the Board of Senior Secondary Studies and the department about the need for some adjustment to college arrangements to achieve a more coordinated, consistent approach in the interests of fairness to students, transparency and also an efficient use of resources.

In terms of such things as the international baccalaureate, I would be interested to hear views on what possible effect this would have on that. That is certainly something that is not obvious.

Ms McRae: I asked you. You are in charge.

MR STEFANIAK: I wonder whether it would have any effect, Ms McRae. I note in relation to the college that offers that program that, whilst it is on a trimester program, it still has the same holiday breaks as everyone else. I have spoken to a couple of people from Narrabundah about this, and no-one has indicated that this arrangement would have any effect on that. Obviously, there are some people in some of the colleges who would like the system to continue as it is; but there is general agreement, from what I am advised, that there is a need for some standardisation, and especially for fairness and equity right across the board. A Year 12 certificate is a crucial thing to a young person leaving school in terms of a job or to carry on to further education. It is important that we take whatever steps are necessary to make sure that that is as fair as is humanly possible.

That being said, the changes propose that all colleges follow a single curriculum structure for two 18-week semesters a year and be allowed to offer half-semester units, that the colleges follow a common approach to calculating and reporting unit and course scores, and also that they follow common standards of assessing and reporting student learning outcomes through the use of course frameworks. I do not really see that there is anything absolutely earth-shattering about that. We have an excellent college system, but I think it is important to ensure that it is as fair and equitable as possible. The vast range of courses offered and the ability for students to take those courses continue. Indeed, these particular proposals do have the advantage, when a student might transfer from one college to another, of assisting in that process.

MS McRAE: Mr Stefaniak, I will ask the question again. How does it affect - - -

Mrs Carnell: You cannot do that. It is out of order.

MS McRAE: This will be a supplementary question, Mr Speaker.

Mrs Carnell: Thank you.

MS McRAE: Thank you, Madam Speaker!

Mrs Carnell: Any time.

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