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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 13 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 4472 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

for information on the indigenous population in the Territory, where 0.6 per cent identified as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. This is thought to be an under-representation of the indigenous population. The 1996 census figures are not due to be released until around July 1997. From this we may conclude that there is over-representation in the justice system, although we cannot accurately determine the exact percentage. This is an area we will need to keep a close watch on, to ensure that alternatives to full-time prison are fully developed and utilised. A list of law and justice initiatives is outlined in the report. I would like to mention the successful employment scheme conducted by ACT Corrective Services. Indigenous custodial officers are now employed at the Belconnen Remand Centre and have made a significant difference to the service provided there.

In education, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies programs continue in schools. This is a very important area for young people to develop an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture - a key aspect of reconciliation. Many schools now focus their Aboriginal studies programs around NAIDOC Week. Pilot programs in the Ngun(n)awal and Wiradjuri languages have been piloted in the koori preschools this year and these programs are currently being reviewed. The CIT Yurauna Centre has been refurbished and is continuing to provide its bridging courses and support function to indigenous students attending CIT.

In the area of employment, I want to focus on two programs. One is the annual employment grants program which is designed to improve employment and training options for unemployed people in the ACT. A minimum of $40,000 is set aside for indigenous people this year. The second is the ACT Public Service indigenous employment strategy which was announced in the budget. The main element of this strategy is career development. There is a recruitment target of six indigenous people in 1996-97.

Mr Speaker, I am pleased to be able to report that the redevelopment of the facilities at Boomanulla Oval has been completed and that I handed over the keys of the new building last month. The new facilities are expected to make Boomanulla Oval a focus for a wide range of activities for ACT indigenous communities. The ACT koori sport and recreation program completed its second year of operation in 1995-96. It has been well received by both the indigenous community and the wider sporting community in the ACT. During 1995-96 the program has facilitated the accreditation of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders in coaching and administration. It has also created some exciting new initiatives in indigenous sport and recreation, such as the traditional games leaders package and the indigenous women in action project. The successful community sport and recreation newsletter, Nangi News, continues to provide a valuable linking role between the indigenous community and mainstream sport and recreation.

An area of disappointment for me is the lack of progress on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre, Mr Speaker. I am sure that all of those opposite, except possibly Mr Berry, would agree with me. The Government is committed to the development of the centre, using the $2.5m allocated from the casino premium.

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