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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 13 Hansard (3 December) . . Page.. 4312 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

It is very important to understand that this is not a monolithic town centre type of development that we are talking about. It is a mixed use development that builds upon what is already there and that Canberrans want to see in this area. It is a development that will occur in stages rather than all at once. It is the type of development that Jones Lang Wootton's study and other studies have found will encourage tourists to stay that extra night in Canberra and also a place, Mr Speaker, that all Canberrans can enjoy. I have to say, Mr Speaker, that I do not share Mr Wood's bleak cargo cult view of Canberra. It is defeatist, it is negative, and ultimately, if we went down that path, Mr Speaker, it would be self-fulfilling if it were allowed to run unchecked.

I believe that we need to welcome new investment, not reject it, and we need to give people who are interested in investing in this city some places in which to invest. We have already had significant interest in this site. We will not be sitting on our hands. We will not be negative. We will be getting on with the job. In the words of one observer in this place, even a boom and bust cycle is significantly preferable, I think, to the bust and bust cycle that Mr Wood gloomily predicts.

MR KAINE: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I can only assume that since Mr Wood is not part of the loony left of the Labor Party his concerns on this issue are genuine. I wondered whether his concerns had to do with the future of people who currently use the area, like people in the old bus depot markets. Chief Minister, can you tell us what impact the proposed redevelopment will have on existing users of the site, such as the old bus depot markets, so that we can allay Mr Wood's fears on that issue?

Mr Berry: Could you tell us about the Printing Office and the ACTEW substation?

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, is it not a pity that Mr Berry and Ms McRae want to talk down one of the most exciting developments in Canberra? The market feasibility study that I referred to earlier had a strong emphasis on building upon the current strengths and successes of the Kingston foreshore area. The old bus depot markets are an example of that great success. Anybody who has visited those markets of recent days will agree with that. The proprietors and stallholders of those markets were involved in the development of the community brief. In other words, people who are on the site at the moment, people who have had input into that site over many years, are part of that community brief. If those opposite had been interested in reading at all they would have seen true community input. In fact, the markets were chosen as the venue at which to release the community brief on Sunday simply because they are such a great example of the sort of spontaneous, lively, people-centred activity that we want to develop on that site.

Mr Speaker, people vote with their feet when it comes to developments such as these. Our aim is to build upon the same entrepreneurial spirit that has made the markets such a success; to produce the sort of approach, the sort of excitement, that already exists at the markets on that whole site. Mr Speaker, those opposite express doom and gloom and say it could not possibly be a good idea. They should go to the old bus depot markets on a Sunday and see the hundreds and hundreds of people who are already - - -

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