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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 13 Hansard (3 December) . . Page.. 4301 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

exactly the same thing with reference to the old drive-in site in North Watson about the issue of what is a serviced apartment and what is residential. Having been told that, we were told at a later time, with reference to Kingston, that, unfortunately, they were not able to distinguish between the two.

The committee is concerned, Mr Speaker, that the habitable suites and the relocatable units, as such, will not be used for the purpose for which they are intended; and that once they have been used they will then be used for something else. We suggested that the Government needs to bring back more information to the Assembly before this matter is concluded. The report continues:

The Committee is not prepared to endorse the draft Variation to the Territory Plan ... until the Government provides greater detail on the following matters:

the detailed arrangements by which Lease Conditions will be enforced in the future;

I think lease enforcement is an absolutely critical issue in the whole management of leasehold and such issues in this Territory. The report continues:

some examples of how terms like `care', `family' and `dependent' will be interpreted;

how the Government intends to deal with situations of extended absences of the `dependent' person(s);

how the Government intends to deal with the situation where a property with `temporary care accommodation' is sold;

whether a maximum floor area should be specified for `temporary care accommodation';

whether the proposed car parking arrangements for a "Habitable suite" are appropriate; and

other issues set out in the body of this report.

I want to particularly use as an example of our concern how the Government intends to deal with situations where a property with temporary care accommodation is sold. These are the sorts of issues that highlight the concern of the committee that, on the one hand, habitable suites or relocatable units seem to have their place in Canberra; they seem to serve a particular purpose which most of us see as a genuine purpose, for a genuine reason, and we should attempt to find a way to deal with them. On the other hand,

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