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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4273 ..

The Board will be charged with the task of developing strategies to improve the financial position of the Hotel School. These strategies will focus on boosting student numbers, improving marketing techniques, reducing operating costs, reviewing degree costs, and examining affiliation options with an Australian university.

The problems facing the School are considerable. Once the Management Board has had the opportunity to consider the School's overall situation in detail, and advise the Government on future directions, there may be a need to further refine School operations.

Creating the Hotel School as a separate entity from the CIT, establishing a Board of Management with clear reporting lines to the Minister, with responsibility for the overall governance and management of the School, and with clear annual reporting requirements, is what is needed to get the School on a viable financial footing.

We need to move away from the sort of naive and overly optimistic fantasies swallowed by the previous Government, towards a hard headed approach to financial management, if the ACT taxpayer is to recover the millions of dollars already invested in the Hotel School.

I commend this Bill to the Assembly.



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