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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4257 ..

2 OF 9

Mr Speaker

On 3 July 1995 the Chief Minister announced the establishment of a Board of Inquiry into the Administration of the ACT Leasehold, better known as the "Stein Inquiry". I think members of the Assembly will recall the significance of that Inquiry and its findings.

The Board presented its Report on 15 November 1995, and the Government formally responded to the Report on 28 May 1996.

The Government's response was forwarded to the Assembly's Standing Committee on Planning and the Environment on the same day. The Committee reported its findings in July 1996.

The Land (Planning and Environment) (Amendment) Bill (No.4) 1996 makes a number of significant changes to the Land (Planning and Environment) Act in line with our response to the Stein Report, taking the Committee's findings into account. It presents a fundamental shift in the focus and operations of planning and lease management - the most fundamental change since the passage of the Act in 1991.

The Bill gives effect to a large number of the Government's response to the recommendations of the Stein Report, and also to the recommendations of the Red Tape Task Force Report and the Mant/Collins Review of Planning Functions and Structures.

In particular, the Bill provides for changes to:

. the structure of the agency administering the Territory Plan and the leasehold system;

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